Frog tank

I'll post some more pictures and details when I have time. Long story short, this is the tank I designed and built to house poison dart frogs. They are being studied by a biology class that I am TAing for this quarter, and I am also using this population of 6 frogs for my undergraduate research project.

The tank is 4 feet long, 66 gallons and is maintained between 70-80F and 90-100% humidity to simulate the conditions of Costa Rica and Panama.

3 Guest entries:

Chris and Amy said...

very cool...just love to see what you are up to! We are hoping to be near Seattle this summer, maybe we can get together to see what you've been up to!

Kevin & Kristin said...

This tank is so cool, I could live in it! That waterfall is awesome!

Terry said...

Love the bamboo water feature, those are some lucky frogs to live in that tank !