I love my work!

Since November 2007 I have been employed at the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, or SBRI. A quick (20 min or so) bus ride takes me downtown- I work on the best block in Seattle. Tesla Motors just put in a new dealership only seconds away! And the Jones Soda Co. headquarters (more on them later) is across the street.

My two favorite tasks at this job are salvary gland and midgut dissections. Every Thursday I dissect 100 mosquitoes from 10 cages to check for the overall percentage of malaria infection in their midguts (stomachs). The following Monday I dissect 150 mosquitoes from the same cages to check for how many sporozoites of malaria can be expected from each mosquito in subsequent feeds. I basically provide information that can only be obtained through delicate work under a microscope- the rest of the time I'm just a mosquito farmer. Here is my crop:

3 Guest entries:

Terry said...

Neat to see where you work !

Chris and Amy said...

Wow, that is awesome! Post some more! Aiden would love your job. He wants to be a "Scientist with a microscope" one day! I'll have to show him the pictures.

Kevin & Kristin said...

I think it's actually funny what you do...dissecting and farming mosquitos. Keep up the good work! You should have someone take a picture of you peering into the microscope. I'd love to see it!