Hiking class!

I've been enjoying my hiking class this term. Every Saturday I crawl out of bed at 5am (ugh) to join 10 other people for a long but fun day. We have breakfast in a small-town diner, do a strenuous hike up some the most beautiful peaks in the Cascades, then finish up with burgers and a quiet ride home.

This past weekend was Granite Peak. Here are my fav photos. Enjoy :-)
p.s. be sure to spot the ranger tower at the peak, visible in the 5th photo.

4 Guest entries:

The Fifes said...

Kevin, these pictures are incredible! My favs are #s 3 & 4!

Terry said...

You take wonderful photo's Kevin, it looks so cold on your hikes, I bet that is fun after being inside all week for classes and work. post more, we love to see !

Chris and Amy said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures with us! Love #4.

Tony and Karen said...

That white stuff is snow, isn't it? This is October, isn't it? We're in trouble, aren't we?