Mount Hamilton

On May 23rd I hiked Mt Hamilton in Southern Washington with my Dad and Uncle Terry, who flew in from Idaho for the weekend. My main goal was to break in my boots and backpack for an upcoming trip, but reaching the peak was also a lofty goal as it required nearly 12 miles of hiking due to an unexpected detour!

Mt. Hood from the peak

The "Pool of Winds" at Rodney Falls was also a sight to see, and much easier to reach too.

3 Guest entries:

The Fifes said...

you got some great pictures - and what an accomplishment to get to the peak...looks like the view from there was a great reward.

Kevin & Kristin said...

What a neat idea for your blog! I love the settings you've looks great. Your pictures are fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

Tony and Karen said...

Great shots, Kevin. I certainly enjoyed our hikes, and having you with us for the weekend. Dad