Frog tank
The tank is 4 feet long, 66 gallons and is maintained between 70-80F and 90-100% humidity to simulate the conditions of Costa Rica and Panama.
Current project
Here's what I'm working on this spring and summer-
a new tank to house a pair or trio of Theloderma corticale, a type of mossy frog from Vietnam. I first saw this frog at the Portland Zoo with my Dad a few years ago and have been keeping my eye on the breeding market. Prices have gone down from $400 to $35 since the frogs were introduced as a hobby species several years ago! Females are still over $200 each due to a 10:1 sex ratio but I'll buy some juveniles and hope I get lucky.
Things I was paid to do today:
Build a bamboo fountain.
Raise fruit flies.
Dissect the stomachs out of 80 mosquitoes and check them for malaria.
Tour a zoo.
Setup fish tanks.
Build a terrarium to house poison dart frogs.
Raise fruit flies.
Dissect the stomachs out of 80 mosquitoes and check them for malaria.
Tour a zoo.
Setup fish tanks.
Build a terrarium to house poison dart frogs.